Audit & Risk Assessment in its truest sense implies the process of analyzing the exposures to risk and determining how to best handle such exposure. It is a detailed process which involves technical know-how of the insurance subject and its implications on the exposures at risk.
We at Alliance provide Risk Consulting management services which involves the following steps:
Mapping the context in terms of defining the profile of the sector, assessing the Risks / exposures which can be elaborated as under:

Identification of the risks / exposures as to what can happen and how can it happen

Analyzing the risk in terms of its likelihood and the consequence of the same

Evaluating the risks / exposures

Developing treatment planes in terms of feasibility of the same
Alliance personnel are well-equipped to deal with the above procedures in terms of the technical expertise and the experience in designing adequate risk management programs. We strongly believe that prevention is better than cure not only in terms of conservation of resources primarily money factor but also in terms of setting out an image of an organization to its stakeholders which truly believes in the risk mitigation endeavours.