Infrastructure & Energy
For a developing or a developed nation, infrastructure is of vital importance. The scope of infrastructure isn’t just limited to the laying of roads and their maintenance, but extends to the science of town and city planning, the upkeep of public utilities and several other factors, making it a quagmire for associated risk profiles and insurance wrangle.
Infrastructure is pegged broadly as hard and soft.
Hard consists primarily of
1. Road and highway networks, including structures (bridges, tunnels, culverts, retaining walls), signage and markings,
2. Electrical systems (street lighting and traffic lights),
3. Edge treatments (curbs, sidewalks, landscaping),
4. Railways,
5. Canals
6. Navigable waterways
7. Seaports, Airports and Mass transit systems
Soft Infrastructure is made up of
Highly specialized buildings and equipment
Non-physical systems such as the body of rules and regulations governing the various systems
When dealing with infrastructure insurance therefore we must take into consideration the fact that multiple variables are at play in every single project and at every step of the cycle. Considering most infrastructure projects are always in the public eye and are of vital importance to the greater public good, for instance in the construction of roads, railways and other sensitive public utilities, the risk exposure can occur due to multiple factors such as, collapse of an under construction bridge/ viaduct/ tunnel, road construction related exposures like flooding, caving of roads due to seepage. This in itself lends to the discreet, sensitive and tactful handling that is paramount in these eventualities.
We at Alliance bring on board solutions that are both pertinent and all encompassing, considering that in our trademark style, we study the criticality of each variable of ever sector, the exposures associated with each of them and then and only then do we devise total risk management solution and risk transfer mechanisms for our clients. All the while we do this; we never foul on our promise of providing comprehensive cover at competitive pricing.

Project Insurance (Contractors All Risk and Erection All Risk)

Advance Loss of Profit / Loss of Profit due to delayed start-up

Civil Engineering Completed Risk

Marine Imports

Employee Benefit Programs

Liability Programs

Directors and Officers

Professional Indemnity

Commercial General Liability