Aviation & Aerospace
When the Wright Brothers invented flight in the early 20th century, they had little idea of the kind of impact they were making on the landscape of world travel. With the advent of the 21st century, Aviation and Aerospace are two sectors that are growing at a rapid pace, despite the recent economic slowdown.
In Indian context, the Aviation industry has undergone a sea change ever since liberalisation in the early 1990s. With new private players emerging, the once only state controlled Aviation industry has seen a rapid pace of growth and in the next few years, is set to grow even more both in terms of infrastructure and aircraft acquisition.
Alliance Insurance understands that there is no way, a carrier can opt for an ‘off the shelf’ insurance policy, given the unique risk and exposure profiles in the Aviation insurance space. Being an independent broker therefore puts us in a position of flexibility, given that we can work in both the domestic and international insurance markets. This leverage combined with the fact that we ally current risk management practises with an acquired intimate knowledge of global Aviation Insurance underwriting marketplace, makes us the partner of choice for many domestic and international aviation majors.
Innovation lies at the very core of our DNA. At Alliance, in partnership with our counterparts in other major market areas we maintain an ‘intelligence gathering network’ of sorts. This in turn keeps us informed of all the developments in the aviation and aviation insurance industry and of the changes (if any) in the regulatory, administrative and legislative fronts. Needless to say this puts us at Alliance in the forefront of innovation, helps us study trends, predict the next set of variables and propose revolutionary ideas which end up benefiting every individual customer.
shining example of Alliance’s pioneering efforts has been its role as a trailblazer in Aviation ‘Loss of License Insurance’ for pilots in India. Under this innovative programme, we were the first to offer individual pilots a Sum Insured Limit of INR 1.00 crore. We have allied ourselves with leading pilot associations in India and operate a highly successful ‘Loss of Licence’ program insuring more than 300 individual pilots across the country.
We aim to deliver the most comprehensive service to our aviation clients and provide innovative packages at competitive costs, without compromising on the coverage or quality of the insurer.

Aviation Hull All Risk
(Loss or Damage to Aircraft)

Aviation Legal Liability to Passengers

Aviation Hull
(War and allied perils)

Aviation Legal Liability to 3rd parties
(Other than passengers)

Aviation Loss of License

Aviation Personal Accident
(Pilots and Engineers)

Hangar Keeper’s Liability

Employee Benefit Programmes